Single Cell Approaches for Collective Behavior

Abstract number
Presentation Form
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Multiparameter and Multimodal Imaging for High Dimensional Data Acquisition
Prisca Liberali (1)
1. FMI
Abstract text

Multicellular organisms are composed of cells and tissues with identical genomes but different properties and functions. They all develop from one cell to form multicellular structures of astounding complexity. During development, in a series of spatio-temporal coordinated steps, cells differentiate into different cell types and establish tissue-scale architectures and functions. Throughout life, continuous tissue renewal and regeneration is required for tissue homeostasis, which also requires fine-tuned spatio-temporal coordination of cells. I will discuss how cellular interactions generate the specific contexts and spatio-temporal coordination underlying development and regeneration and how we specifically develop new image based technologies to investigate what are the molecular and physical mechanisms that allow a cell, in a tissue, to sense its complex environment, to take individual coordinated decisions. Moreover, I will discuss the molecular mechanisms of intestinal organoid self-organization and the role of cell-to-cell variability in populations of differentiating cells during symmetry breaking.


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